The figure on the right is "Mansion of Safety" that represents our company's "Basic Action Guidelines" system. All personnel who work on our construction sites enter in this mansion. The building foundation is "rule observance". Based on this foundation of ensuring and following rules, we will create comfortable workplaces and work sites. On top of that, we have "people and organizations that work towards goals in a challenging manner". Our goal is to continue to be a TOP-class safe and accident-free organization in the industry.
Safety Initiatives
FY2023 Health and Safety Targets
- We will deepen the understanding of laws and internal regulations related to safety and health and achieve zero accidents and zero disasters.
- We aim to create a workplace environment in which everyone involved in construction work autonomously takes action to implement the PDCA cycle of the safety and health management system.
- Under the principle of prioritizing safety, we will formulate construction methods that take safety into consideration during the risk assessment stage of the construction planning process. Additionally, we will activate on-site activities such as R-KY (risk assessment and hazard prediction), 5S (Sort , Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain), and hazard recognition (Hiyari).
- We will maintain and improve the work environment by properly managing the chemicals used in the construction process, among other measures.
- In employee training, we aim to improve knowledge and skills as a manager of safety and health and cultivate promoters of legal compliance and accident prevention.
- We prevent the occurrence of mental health problems by promoting interviews with industrial physicians and analysis and improvement of the workplace environment.
Safety Initiatives
Safety Management System (SMS)
We introduced the SMS (Safety Management System) in July 2020 and have been continuously improving the safety level by brushing up the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle) of work. In order to further improve the safety level and foster and establish a safety culture, we have established the "Basic Action Guidelines. We are working toward the goals of "high-level implementation of rule compliance," "autonomous thinking (thinking and acting on one's own)," and "autonomous people and organizations.

Safety Meister System
Once a year, we conduct the Safety Meister Examination to assess the understanding of safety laws and regulations and our own safety standards, so that each employee and subcontractor employee acquire safety knowledge and skills and provide safety guidance confidently in the field. Those with outstanding performance are designated as "Safety Meisters" and are responsible for actively promoting safety management and activities by taking the lead in safety instruction through a year. (Safety Meister certification in fiscal 2022: 17 persons / 254 examinees including subcontractors)
Safety inspections and on-site safety patrols
Through the safety inspections and on-site safety patrols, to check the operation status of the safety construction cycle, the department of the head office in charge of safety and health management go to sites, grasp the situation from an expert's perspective and issue improvement orders and instructions, if there are any improvement items on the desk or on the site patrols. However, the current situation is a repetitive process of pointing out and requesting improvements from the head office, after responding to the situation, then it would be temporary countermeasure, so there was a problem that it was difficult to continuously improve safety management as an organization.
Therefore, as a new initiative, we decided to secure enough time for interviews with each base and construction department. Through this initiative, we enabled to gather many honest opinions from them, to absorb problems and issues that had not been apparent until now, and to cooperate each other to solve these problems for the entire organization. In addition, good examples of on-site efforts are introduced and shared at company-wide meetings, where the workers are praised and motivated to work even harder, creating a positive spiral.

On-site capability confirmation sheet
In order to check the operation status of the safety construction cycle and activities for safety, health, and environmental targets at each construction site, we have created an original "Site Strengths Check Sheet" that diagnoses (evaluates) the strengths and weaknesses of each site using 315 items in 8 genres. This sheet is also used for safety inspections and site patrols, and the results are shown in a radar chart as shown on the right, enabling numerical and visual confirmation of site strength. The use of this chart facilitates mutual recognition of the current status of each site and construction division, its strengths and weaknesses, and whether or not it is conducting ongoing safety activities. This sheet is posted throughout the company so that each construction site's on-site capabilities can be viewed and compared, and the strengths are introduced and shared at meetings as good practice sites, gradually fostering mutual friendly competition.
Safety commendation for cooperating companies
To raise safety awareness among cooperating companies and raise awareness of accident prevention, we honor subcontractors and their employees who have achieved outstanding results in annual safety and health management and activities by presenting them with safety awards to further invigorate the company.

Kikuyu-Kai (Association of Partner Companies) activities
We have established a cooperative association (Kikuyu-Kai) to deepen mutual understanding and cooperation with member companies through project works, to improve technical capabilities and ensure safety, and to regularly conduct health and safety management and activities together.

Results of Safety Initiatives and Determination
In FY 2022, our safety record is 1 lost time work accident (minor, lasting 3 days or less) and 4 non-lost time work accidents, continuing our record of zero serious occupational accidents.
We are committed to faithfully implement the basic action guidelines and aggressively take on challenges to achieve our goals, and we are making utmost efforts to eliminate revival troubles as well as to achieve zero accidents and zero occupational injuries.